TSL of Palm Beach County
What can we do to beat the Fate? How can we bring in an age of enlightenment?
Enter the Master Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, luminary of the twenty-first century. He brings a solution to the problem of our very ancient, very complex karma. He brings a teaching and a way of life. Of greatest importance, he brings the gift of the violet flame, a spiritual energy that when used in accordance with the laws of alchemy can actually erase karma! Saint Germain is the Master Alchemist, but his solution is only as good as the people who apply it. If we invoke the violet flame daily, religiously, as if the world depended on us, we can literally dissolve the mountain of karma that besets us!
The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy, the seventh ray of the Holy Spirit, that appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual vision. Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development, but this once-secret knowledge was not revealed to the masses until the twentieth century. The violet flame revitalizes and invigorates us. The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing.
The violet flame is a flame of joy as it sweeps through the consciousness of humanity. Flowing with the great flow of the Holy Spirit, it frees every particle of energy that it touches. The flame caresses Mater; for the flame is the Holy Spirit that is wed to the Divine Mother, who is the white-fire core of all energy cycles.
The great love of the Spirit for the Mother and of the Mother for the Spirit is the magnetism of Alpha and Omega drawing the flame of purification from on high into the canyons of the great rivers, into the crevasses of the mountains, into the nooks and crannies of the rocks. Wherever there is an opening, wherever there is an invitation, the fires of freedom roll and the angels of Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst deposit the universal solvent which throughout the ages the alchemists have sought.
When the earth is bathed in the violet flame, as after a summer rain, the elementals splash in puddles and ponds of the violet elixir which remain. The four lower bodies of a planet and a people absorb the flow of violet fire as the parched earth and the grasses dried in the summer sun absorb water.
The violet flame and the violet-flame angels release a momentum that causes the electrons to spin. It is a momentum of joy! For joyousness and laughter—the kind of laughter that one has when one has gotten the victory over the self—bubble in the soul and bounce through the four lower bodies, sweeping away the debris of doubt and fear, the depressions of the years and the discarnates that lurk in the darkened corners of the mind.
Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. The violet ray is the seventh of these rays. Each of the spiritual flames creates a specific positive action in the body, heart, mind and soul. The violet flame creates an action of mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation.
Disease in the body is not just caused by germs. More and more we are learning that mental, emotional and spiritual states can greatly influence our health. If something in our lives is out of balance, our physical well-being is at risk. This is where the Violet Flame can help. For those who know how to use it, the violet flame changes negative energy into positive, which makes it an effective tool for healing. And, just about anyone can learn how to use it to improve any aspect of life.
The violet flame is a forgiving flame. Forgiveness is not always easy, but without forgiveness we cannot make spiritual progress. When we refuse to forgive a friend or a supposed enemy who has wronged us, even if he wrongs us again and again, we tie ourselves not only to that person but to his anger. Therefore, we are not truly free until we resolve the anger and balance the karma.
Karma, then, is the weight that prevents the soul from flying. The less karma you have, the greater your opportunity day by day. This affects all choices. It affects contracts—business, marriage and otherwise—those who are drawn to your life and those who cannot be, the children you may give birth to.
The violet flame sees to it that we are charged with what works. What works is what is right as long its purpose is to glorify God in you and Christ in all people. So the violet flame is like that whistle, that tremendous wind of the Holy Spirit that takes from us everything else but what is necessary to get this world in shape.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches and demonstrates a violet flame chakra meditation using the mantra “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires! The more you have light and the violet flame, the more you accelerate, the more you have energy, there is a new joy in your life because the electrons themselves are enjoying that cosmic spin you are giving them.
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