As we make the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” part of our daily practice, we are clearing away undesirable substance and making way for more light into our surroundings. We become more and more sensitive to this light, and as Mother explained to us, “…we  actually feel this light building within our own bodies. We can begin to feel the burning in the heart, which the disciples felt on the road to Emmaus when they were near the master but did not recognize him. The burning in the heart indicates the expansion of the threefold flame. It is the sacred fire actually consuming the misqualified energies of fear and hatred and impure motive that often surround the heart.”

Mother also teaches us that when Jesus cast out spirits, it was actually with the science of the spoken word he would draw from his heart center, which is the heart chakra. “It is known by all who meditate to be the center of that burning love of God that the disciples knew when they met their Lord on the road to Emmaus and said, ‘Did our hearts not burn within us?’” That is the secret chamber of the heart, where our Real Self presides at the altar ensconced there. “We can find the cathedral of the heart as the place of the Holy of holies.”

Awakening the Sacred Fire: Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees

 Saturday  Service

 Wednesday  Service

Sunday Service

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